
Indications for pacemaker

★ Last Updated : May 26th 2014 ★

  1. Sick sinus syndrome
    • Class I :
      • Symptomatic bradycardia (≤ 40/min) or pauses
      • Symptomatic chronotropic incompetence
    • Class II :
      • Bradycardia + symptoms (with unclear association)
      • Bradycardia + unexplained syncope
      • Bradycardia + discrete symptoms
  2. Atrioventricular conduction defect
    • Class I:
      • 3rd degree AV block *
      • Advanced 2nd degree AV block (≥ 2 P waves are blocked) *
      • 2nd degree AV block (Mobitz I or II) with symptoms *
      • Mobitz II + [widened QRS or bifascicular block] *
      • Exercise-induced 2nd or 3rd degree AV block
      • 3rd or 2nd degree Mobitz II AV block induced during an electrophysiological study (by pacing 100-120/min)
    • Class II:
      • Mobitz II with narrow QRS and no symptoms
      • 1st degree AV block with hemodynamic compromise
      • Bi or trifascicular block with [unclear syncope or VT] *
  3. Neurocardiogenic syncope
    • Class I:
      • Carotid sinus hypersensitivity (syncope and >3sec asystole)
    • Class II:
      • Unexplained syncope and >3sec of asystole following sinus massage
      • Recurrent vasovagal syncope associated to documented bradycardia
        (e.g. by a Tilt-test)

  4. Diagnoses marked with an * require admission to a hospital where there is a possibility for acute PM implantation.

Abbreviation: AV= atrioventricular, PM=pacemaker